The Schwartz Center Brings #Compassion4Health at the Compassion in Action Healthcare Conference

The Schwartz Center Brings #Compassion4Health at the Compassion in Action Healthcare Conference

This June I traveled to Boston for the inaugural Compassion in Action Healthcare Conference hosted by The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare. It was an incredible chance to engage with visionary thinkers and doers to experience and learn how healthcare organizations around the world are improving quality, lowering costs and strengthening patients’ and providers’ experience using compassionate, collaborative care.  


Jerry Lewis Brings #Compassion4Health with his New Foundation and a Gala to Honor Robin Williams

Jerry Lewis Brings #Compassion4Health with his New Foundation and a Gala to Honor Robin Williams

Jerry Lewis may be 91, but still has compassion for kids! Recently he started a new foundation dedicated to teaching children and young people globally the art of laughing through debilitating disease. Combating fear, depression, hatred, prejudice, addiction and most importantly how to teach children how to laugh and find the funny side of themselves and others. This is Jerry’s House!


How Chinese Medicine and Western Practices Impact Patient Wellness

How Chinese Medicine and Western Practices Impact Patient Wellness

Rebecca talks with Dr. Barry Rose about how her compassionate and integrated healthcare interest stems from being a professionally trained dancer which led her to the physiology of the human body. As a youngster, Rebecca would accompany her chemist father to work and saw how overmedicated some of his customers were with several and sometimes dozens of prescriptions. She realized “how overmedicated our society is and that there had to be other options out there,” leading her to Chinese medicine and eventually treating patients as a licensed acupuncturist. Rebecca explains how the Kiiko Matsumoto style acupuncture helps her patients. She takes a hands-on-approach, alleviating chronic pain, is a specialist in autoimmune disease–rheumatoid arthritis and is often referred to as a ‘healthcare detective’–treating the whole person not just symptoms. An inspirational conversation about how we all can take a more broader view of our own personal healthcare beyond traditional western medicine. 
Visit Rebecca @ Golden Point Acupuncture